Dementia definition

Dementia definition

Dementia is a term used to describe a set of symptoms linked with progressive neurological (brain) disorders, which may include memory loss, difficulties with thinking, problem-solving or language. Some of these symptoms might be small to start off with, but as...
Social isolation and dementia

Social isolation and dementia

None of us want to be lonely or become isolated, but unfortunately for people living with dementia this is an all too common side effect. Many older people become lonely and socially isolated and often without outside help they cannot do too much about it, but for...
Designing a Room for the Elderly

Designing a Room for the Elderly

For most of us we spend our lives seeing our bedrooms as a safe sanctuary – a place to relax, unwind and sleep.  But, getting older or living with dementia can make the mundane much more challenging and turn those things we take for granted quite dangerous. If...
Living in a Care Home as a Couple

Living in a Care Home as a Couple

At Greensleeves Care, we pride ourselves on making sure that yours or your loved one’s transition to one of our homes is as comfortable as possible. We understand that for many people, one of the most difficult parts of this move can be leaving their partner behind....
Council tax reduction for someone with dementia

Council tax reduction for someone with dementia

Did you know that people living with dementia may be entitled to a council tax reduction or council tax exemption? If your neighbour, friend or loved one is living with dementia and is still paying council tax the following may provide you the information you need to...
What are Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

What are Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Did you know that people living with dementia may be entitled to a council tax reduction or council tax exemption? If your neighbour, friend or loved one is living with dementia and is still paying council tax the following may provide you the information you need to...