What are Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

What are Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Did you know that people living with dementia may be entitled to a council tax reduction or council tax exemption? If your neighbour, friend or loved one is living with dementia and is still paying council tax the following may provide you the information you need to...
Broadlands Care Home in Oulton Broad rated Outstanding by CQC

Broadlands Care Home in Oulton Broad rated Outstanding by CQC

  The staff and residents at Broadlands care home in Oulton Broad, Lowestoft, were delighted that their home was yet again rated Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission, following an unannounced inspection on 25 June 2019. Broadlands is one of very few homes...
Greensleeves Care Opens New Care Home in Ely

Greensleeves Care Opens New Care Home in Ely

Greensleeves Care is proud to announce it has reached its “silver goal” with the opening of its 25th care home in the historic town of Ely in Cambridgeshire. The Orchards, a state-of-the-art care home, will provide the highest quality residential and dementia care to...
Vascular Dementia

Vascular Dementia

What is Vascular Dementia? Vascular dementia is the second most common type of dementia, with only Alzheimer’s affecting more people. Currently, there are about 150,000 people in the UK living with vascular dementia. Vascular dementia occurs when the brain is...
How to stay safe online

How to stay safe online

Why are older people targeted? Throughout our modern history older people have been seen as vulnerable and therefore an easy target for scams. There have been roofing scams, distraction thefts, postal scams and fraud committed by phone. Now we have online scams. None...
What is a 12-week Property Disregard

What is a 12-week Property Disregard

What is a 12-week property disregard? Funding residential care is a large financial commitment that in most cases requires a property sale at some stage. In some cases this does not need to happen for months or even years after a resident has moved into the care home...
Ipsos Mori names Borovere in Alton as Number 1 care home

Ipsos Mori names Borovere in Alton as Number 1 care home

Borovere rated first in national survey Residents and staff at Borovere care home in Alton are celebrating after the home was rated Number One care home in the country in a nationwide survey of family and friends of the residents. The results, launched on Monday 25th...
CHC Assessment

CHC Assessment

Continuing Healthcare (CHC) funding is an expensive cost that the NHS has to fund out of their already stretched budgets. For that reason they ensure that they do a full and thorough assessment of each individual prior to awarding such funding. As you would probably...
Full Assessment for Continuing Healthcare (CHC)

Full Assessment for Continuing Healthcare (CHC)

Full Assessment for Continuing Healthcare If you have read our other articles on CHC funding you will already know the assessment process comes in two stages: the Initial CHC Assessment and the Full CHC Assessment. This article will discuss what will happen on the...
CHC Assessment

Continuing Healthcare Funding

What is CHC Funding? There is a great deal of confusion and controversy surrounding Continued Healthcare funding also known as CHC funding. Some of this confusion we will try and clear up here; but first of all we will explain specifically CHC funding actually is. NHS...