Dementia at night

Dementia at night

Many people living with dementia will struggle to maintain a consistent night-time routine. Sleep disturbance is a common side effect, as well as ‘sundowning’ which refers to the worsening of symptoms around the dusk/evening period. The body clock of a person with...
Looking at care options: timing is everything

Looking at care options: timing is everything

Nobody wants to move into a care home or welcome carers into their own home. That is just the way it is! Therefore, we will all put off looking for care for as long as we can and hope the crisis never comes. Whereas this in some ways sensible, nobody should start care...
Dementia aids and gadgets

Dementia aids and gadgets

As technology advances, more and more dementia ‘gadgets’ are becoming available. These help people living with dementia to carry out daily tasks with ease. When a person is living in their own home with dementia, it is understandable that friends and family will have...
Staying safer at home for longer

Staying safer at home for longer

Tips to help you stay safe at home for longer As people progress on their personal care journey most individuals choose to stay at home if they possibly can. Initially, this might involve family members giving small amounts of care and support to keep things ticking...
What is Bereavement Support Payment?

What is Bereavement Support Payment?

Although not a benefit that is designed to support older people, the Bereavement Support Payment is one that older people often enquire about. If you are an older person that has suffered a recent bereavement, then you are advised to seek professional financial and...
What is Huntington’s Disease?

What is Huntington’s Disease?

Huntington’s disease is a genetic, progressive neurodegenerative disorder that damages neurons in the brain, affecting a major part of the central nervous system. Genetic – it is a disease that is inherited through DNA from the parents of the sufferer....
How to pay for care – factsheet

How to pay for care – factsheet

This factsheet provides key information on how to finance care when you live in your own home and at a care home. It also gives you information on what benefits you are entitled to. When does the council pay for Care Home Fees? If a person cannot afford their care...
What is rheumatoid arthritis?

What is rheumatoid arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a long-term, life-limiting condition that causes pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints. The condition primarily affects the joints of the individual’s hands, feet, and wrists. As with many conditions, RA is not a stable condition and...
What is multiple sclerosis?

What is multiple sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis, or MS for short, is a lifelong condition that affects the brain and spinal cord, which causes a wide range of symptoms. It is a progressive condition that normally gets more serious over time. Different people can experience different levels of...
What is Parkinson’s disease?

What is Parkinson’s disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological condition caused by the breakdown or death of nerve cells (neurons) in a specific part of the brain called the Substantia Nigra. These cells, when healthy, produce an essential hormone called dopamine, so when...