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Information on how to provide quality care for your loved one living at home.
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Helping to find the right care home and things you need to know when you move in.
Information about health concerns and tips on how to stay healthy in older age.
Latest Advice Articles

Writing a Will
While you may be inclined to put off thinking about your mortality, taking the time to prepare a well-written will that indicates how you would like your possessions and assets to be distributed after you die is key to avoiding strife among loved ones. Although you...

What is Attendance Allowance
Attendance Allowance is a non-means tested benefit (explained below), paid to eligible older people who are living with a demonstrable care need. You may be able to demonstrate that you have care needs if you need help with basic daily activities such as getting...

Lasting Power of Attorney
Lasting Power of Attorney and why it is important Few of us want to think that we might lose our mental capacity as we get older, but it is an important issue to consider and to plan ways to reduce the potential burden on relatives should this happen. As the...

Paying for Care
Paying for care Too many people move into care homes without taking appropriate Financial Advice because they don’t know where to get it. When paying for care, seeking advice is easy and vitally important and will help you achieve real peace of mind. A good advisor...

Winter Safety
Stay safe in winter with these safety tips for the elderly When the weather gets really bad every school child in the country is praying for a “Snow Day” so they can stay home from school, sledge down the local hill and build snow men with their friends. But, for...

Moving into a care home
Like many big changes in life, starting a new school or job, retiring, moving house, there is a sense of worry about the unknown. A care home move can in many cases be even more worrying. Like all of these other life changes, the better informed and prepared you are,...

Signs You Are Too Old to Drive
When should older drivers stop driving? This is a really difficult question that people often find themselves having to ask themselves. When should I tell mum or dad to stop driving? Is anybody ever ready to answer that question? Mum and Dad have always been the ones...

Choosing the right care home
Just like choosing your first house, choosing a care home is an important decision and a difficult one. Like choosing a house sometimes it “just feels right”, this emotional connection is important and you should trust your instincts. But, it is better to combine...

Home Care for Elderly
Because Greensleeves Care is a charity, founded on the principle of helping older people, we can offer support and guidance without fear or favour. We don’t care about making a profit but we do care about making a difference, so as long as we help nice older people...

Caring Conversations
Is your loved one ready for care but you don't know how to broach the subject? Talking about care can be difficult and challenging, especially because you are having to deal with own issues and emotions. Remember that nobody wakes up wanting care and everybody that...